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Training to Climb - The Alaskan Sunset Ride - Anchorage

Chasing the Alaskan Sunset: A Social Ride with a Punch [1 hr 30 min]

Experience the magic of Alaska like never before – on a sunset bike ride! This 1.5-hour adventure takes you on a mystical journey under the vibrant purple skies of Anchorage.

The Ride:

  • Warm-up: Start your journey with a relaxing 30-minute pedal through central Anchorage, allowing you to loosen up and soak in the sights.
  • Epic Climb: Brace yourself! After the warm-up, you’ll tackle Rabbit Creek Road, a challenging 1,200-foot ascent into the Chugach Range. Expect maximum efforts – these climbs are steep and demanding, but the reward is worth it.
  • Sunset Descent: Conquer the climb and be rewarded with a breathtaking descent into the Alaskan summer sunset. Imagine the cool breeze, the vibrant colors of the sky, and the thrill of the downhill ride – pure magic!


More Than Just a Ride:

  • Social Fun: This is a fun and friendly ride, perfect for cyclists of all levels who enjoy riding together.
  • Aerobic Challenge: The mix of moderate pacing and high-intensity resistance intervals will provide a fantastic aerobic workout, improving your cardiovascular health and endurance.


Difficulty: 6/10 (Get ready for a challenge, especially on the climb!)

Ready to experience the Alaskan sunset on two wheels? Join us for this unforgettable ride!

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